List of monastic houses in Staffordshire

The following is a list of monastic houses in Staffordshire, England.

In this article alien houses are included, as are smaller establishments such as cells and notable monastic granges (particularly those with resident monks), and also camerae of the military orders of monks (Templars and Hospitallers). The numerous monastic hospitals per se are not included here unless at some time the foundation had the status of an abbey, priory, friary or preceptory/commandery.

The name of the county is given where there is reference to an establishment in another county. Where the county has changed since the foundation's dissolution the modern county is given in parentheses, and in instances where the referenced foundation ceased to exist prior to the unification of England, the kingdom is given, followed by the modern county in parentheses.

A Monastic Glossary follows the listing, which provides links to articles on the particular monastic orders as well as other terms which appear in the listing.


Abbreviations and key

The sites listed are ruins unless indicated thus:
* indicates current monastic function
+ indicates current non-monastic ecclesiastic function (including remains incorporated into later structure)
^ indicates current non-ecclesiastic function (including remains incorporated into later structure)
$ indicates remains limited to earthworks etc.
# indicates no identifiable trace of the monastic foundation remains
~ indicates exact site of monastic foundation unknown
Trusteeship denoted as follows:
EH English Heritage
LT Landmark Trust
NT National Trust

Alphabetical listing of establishments

Foundation Image Communities & Provenance Formal Name or Dedication
& Alternative Names
OnLine References & Location
Baswich Priory Augustinian Canons Regular
founded 1174 (1173-5); land granted by Gerard de Stafford;
dissolved 1538;
remains incorporated into Priory Farm built on site
The Priory Church of Saint Thomas the Martyr by Stafford [1]

Blithbury Priory # Benedictine monks
priory cell, dependent on Burton;
founded after 1129 by Hugh Malveysin;
dissolved 1158-65;
Benedictine nuns
founded after 1129;
apparently merged with Black Ladies, Brewood 1158-65;
dissolved before 1315(?);
alleged chapel demolished 1795
The Priory Church of Saint Giles, Blithbury

St Egidius (St Giles)
Blythbury Priory

Brewood Priory Benedictine nuns
founded before 1150;
dissolved 1538; granted to Thomas Gifford 1538/9;
late-16th/early-17thC country house built on site
The Priory Church of Saint Mary, Brewood
Black Ladies Priory;
Briwerne Priory;
Black Ladies of Brewood Priory

Burton Abbey Benedictine monks
founded 1002 by Wulfric Spott, confirmed by charter of King Ethelred 1004;
dissolved 1539; granted to Sir William Paget by Henry VIII;
refounded as a college 1541;
dissolved 1545
St Mary, Virgin and St Modwen, Virgin
Modwennestow Abbey;
Burton upon Trent Abbey

Calwich Priory hermitage (hermetorium de Calwich)
Augustinian Canons Regular
priory cell, dependent on Kenilworth
founded between c.1125 and 1149: hermitage granted to Kenilworth by Nicholas de Gresley alias fitzNiel and his wife Margery;
independent from 1349;
granted to Merton 1535-6;
Georgian-style house built on site 1849-50, now derelict
St Margaret
Calwick Priory

Canwell Priory Benedictine monks
founded c.1142 (1131-48) by Geva, daughter of Hugh, Earl of Chester;
dissolved 1524-6, suppressed to found Cardinal Wolsey's college Cardinal College, Oxford;
reverted to the Crown;
much of the property passed briefly to St George's Chapel, Windsor 1532
The Priory Church of Saint Mary, Saint Giles, and All Saints, Canwell [10][11][12]

Colwich Abbey * Benedictine nuns - from Cannington
founded 1836; raised to abbey status 1928
The Abbey Church of Our Lady of Good Hope, Colwich

Cotton Abbey ~ Cistercian monks - from Aunay-sur-Odon
founded 1176, granted to Aulnay by Bertram de Verdun
transferred to new site at Croxden 1178;
granted to Jeffrey Foljamb 1544/5
Chotes Abbey
Chotene Abbey

Croxden Abbey Cistercian monks - from Cotton
(community founded at Cotton 1176);
transferred here 17 May 1178;
dissolved 17 September 1538; (EH)
The Abbey Church of the Vale of Saint Mary at Croxden [16][17][18][15]

Dieulacres Abbey Cistercian monks
transferred from Poulton
founded 1214, site granted by Randal de Blunderville, Earl of Chester after 1199;
dissolved 20 October 1539; granted to Ralph Bagnall 1552/3;
site now in private ownership at Abbey Green
St Mary, Virgin and St Benedict [19][20]

Dudley Priory Cluniac monks
alien house: dependent on Much Wenlock;
founded 1161 by Ralph Painell, lord of the manor;
became denizen: independent from 1395;
dissolved 1539; granted to the Bishop of Lichfield 1540/1
St James
Farewell Priory hermits or canon brothers: unknown order and foundation;
Benedictine nuns
founded before 1148 (c.1140) by Roger de Clinton;
raised to abbey status between 1154 and 1189 (during the reign of Henry II);
reduced to priory status before 1210;
dissolved 1527;
site now occupied by St Bartholomew's Church
The Priory Church of Saint Mary, Farewell
Fairwell Priory

Hawkesyard Priory Dominican Friars

Hulton Abbey Cistercian monks
daughter of Combermere;
founded 26 July 1219 by Henry de Audley;
dissolved 18 September 1538; granted to Sir Edward Aston 1542/3
Hilton Abbey [23][24]

Hansury Nunnery Benedictine? nuns
founded c.680 by St Werburgh at the instance of her uncle King Ethelred
destroyed in raids by the Danes 875
Keele Preceptory Knights Templar
land granted by Henry II 1168-9;
dissolved 1308-12
granted to the Earl of Gloucester;
Knights Hospitaller
founded c.1312 (1324);
dissolved after 1338;
country house named 'Keele Hall' built on site c.1580, rebuilt 1856-61

Lapley Priory Benedictine monks
alien house: dependent on St-Remi, Riems;
founded by Ælfgar (Algar), Earl of Chester;
dissolved 1415; granted to Tong College;
granted to Sir Richard Mannors 1547/8
Lappele Priory [27][28]

Lichfield Greyfriars Franciscan Friars Minor, Conventual (under the Custody of Worcester)
founded c.1237 (1229) by Alexander, Bishop of Lichfield;
dissolved 1538; granted to Richard Crumbilthorn 1544/5

Little Haywood Abbey * Benedictine nuns The Abbey Church of Saint Mary, Little Haywood

Newcastle-under-Lyme Blackfriars Dominican Friars (under the Visitation of Oxford)
founded before 1277;
dissolved 1538;
cattlemarket built on site 1871;
superstore built on site before 2005

Oulton Abbey * Benedictine nuns
founded 1853; (with girls' boarding school, then playgroup 1968, then care home, St.Benedict's Nursing and Residential Home 1989
The Abbey Church of Saint Mary, Oulton [33]

Radmore Abbey hermitage
founded 1135-9, site granted by King Stephen, confirmed by Roger, Bishop of Lichfield, who allowed the community to adopt the order of their choice
Cistercian monks
daughter of Bordesley;
converted c.1143/7-1155
monks transferred to Stoneleigh 1155;
converted to a royal hunting lodge
The Abbey Church of Saint Mary, Radmore
Red Moor Priory

Ranton Priory Augustinian Canons Regular - (?)Arroasian
priory cell, dependent on Haughmond;
founded between 1135 and 1166 by Robert fitz Noel (Noeli);
independent from 1246-7;
dissolved 1536; granted to Robert Wiseman 1538/9
St Mary
Ronton Abbey;
de Sartis

Rocester Abbey $(?) Augustinian Canons Regular
founded c.1146 by Richard Bacon (Bacoun);
dissolved 1538; granted to Richard Trentham 1539/40
The Blessed Virgin Mary
Roucester Abbey

Sandwell Priory Historical county location. See entry under List of monastic houses in the West Midlands
Stafford Austin Friars Augustinian Friars (under the Limit of Lincoln)
founded 1344 by Ralph de Stafford, permission granted by the pope 1343;
dissolved August 1538, surrendered to Richard Ingworth, Bishop of Dover; granted to Thomas Neve and Giles Isam
Austin Friars, Stafford [40][41]

Stafford Greyfriars Franciscan Friars Minor, Conventual (under the Custody of Worcester)
founded before 1274;
dissolved 10 August 1538, surrendered to Richard Ingworth, Bishop of Dover; granted to James Leverson 1539/40;
house called 'Grey Friars' built on site before 1610

Priory of St Thomas nr. Stafford [44]
Stone Priory secular canons
founded c.670 by Wulfhere, King of Mercia
destroyed in raids by the Danes 9thC, canons dispersed;
Benedictine nuns
apparently founded before 1066;
replaced or dispersed before c.1135;
Augustinian Canons Regular
priory cell, dependent on Kenilworth;
granted to Kenilworth;
founded c.1135 by Enisan de Waleron;
independent from after 1260;
dissolved 1536; granted to George Harper 1538/9
St Wulfad and St Rufin

St Wulfad

St Mary, St Wulfad and St Michael

Trentham Priory possible minster before 1066[note 1]
possible Benedictine monks
possibly founded c.1087-1100 subsequently lapsing;
Augustinian Canons Regular
(re)founded before 1153-5 by Ranuph II, Earl of Chester;
dissolved 1537 (1536)
The Priory Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and All Saints, Trentham
Trickingham Priory(?)

Tutbury Priory + Benedictine monks
alien house: dependent on S-Pierre-sur-Dives;
founded after 1080 (1066-1086) by Henry de Ferrers;
became denizen: independent from after 1431-3;
dissolved 14 September 1538; granted to Sir William Cavendish 1552/3;
part of conventual church now in parochial use
St Mary Virgin [49][50]

Wolverhampton Monastery Historical county location. See entry under List of monastic houses in the West Midlands


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Map link to lists of monastic houses in England by county

County Durham
Greater Manchester
Isle of Wight

Sussex, East
Sussex, West
Tyne and Wear
West Midlands
Yorkshire, East Riding
Yorkshire, North
Yorkshire, South
Yorkshire, West

See also


  1. ^ Trentham — once identified as the nunnery founded by Werburgh at Tricengeham, but now thought to be Threckingham (Threekingham), Lincolnshire


  1. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: BASWICH PRIORY
  2. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: PRIORY FARM
  3. ^ Houses of Benedictine nuns - The priory of Blithbury | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 220)
  4. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: BREWOOD BLACK LADIES PRIORY
  5. ^ Houses of Benedictine nuns - The priory of Brewood (Black Ladies) | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 220-222)
  6. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: ABBEY OF ST MARY AND ST MODWEN
  7. ^ Houses of Benedictine monks - The abbey of Burton | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 199-213)
  8. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: CALWICH ABBEY
  9. ^ Houses of Augustinian canons - The priory of Calwich | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 237-240)
  10. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: CANWELL PRIORY
  11. ^ Houses of Benedictine monks - The priory of Canwell | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 213-216)
  12. ^ House: Religious House: Canwell priory Staffs. Benedictine monks
  13. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: CHOTES ABBEY
  14. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: CHOTES ABBEY
  15. ^ a b Houses of Cistercian monks - The abbey of Croxden | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 226-230)
  16. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: CROXDEN ABBEY
  17. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: CROXDEN ABBEY CHURCH
  18. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: CROXDEN ABBEY GATEHOUSE
  19. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: DIEULACRES ABBEY
  20. ^ Houses of Cistercian monks - The abbey of Dieulacres | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 230-235)
  21. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: FAREWELL NUNNERY
  22. ^ Houses of Benedictine nuns - The priory of Farewell | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 222-225)
  23. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: HULTON ABBEY
  24. ^ Houses of Cistercian monks - The abbey of Hulton | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 235-237)
  25. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: KEELE HALL
  26. ^ House of Knights Templar - The preceptory of Keele | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 267-268)
  27. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: LAPLEY PRIORY
  28. ^ Alien houses - The priory of Lapley | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 340-343)
  29. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: LICHFIELD GREYFRIARS
  30. ^ Friaries - The Franciscan friars of Lichfield | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 268-270)
  31. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: NEWCASTLE BLACKFIARS
  32. ^ Friaries - The Dominican friars of Newcastle-under-Lyme | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 272-273)
  33. ^ Oulton Abbey
  34. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: RED MOOR ABBEY
  35. ^ Houses of Cistercian monks - The abbey of Radmore | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 225)
  36. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: RANTON PRIORY
  37. ^ Houses of Augustinian canons - The priory of Ranton | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 251-255)
  38. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: ROCESTER ABBEY
  39. ^ Houses of Augustinian canons - The priory of Rocester | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 247-251)
  40. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: STAFFORD AUSTIN FRIARY
  41. ^ Friaries - The Austin friars of Stafford | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 273-274)
  42. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: STAFFORD GREYFRIARS
  43. ^ Houses of Benedictine monks - The priory of Sandwell | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 216-219)
  44. ^ Houses of Augustinian canons - The priory of St Thomas near Stafford | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 260-267)
  45. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: STONE PRIORY
  46. ^ Houses of Augustinian canons - The priory of Stone | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 240-247)
  47. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: TRENTHAM PRIORY
  48. ^ Houses of Augustinian canons - The priory of Trentham | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 255-260)
  49. ^ Pastscape - Detailed Result: TUTBURY PRIORY
  50. ^ Alien houses - The priory of Tutbury | A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 3 (pp. 331-340)